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The introduction of complementary foods is an exciting part of parenting. Sometimes we are curious, anxious, even scared ... How will children accept flavors other than those to which they are accustomed - other than breast milk or infant milk preparations (milk formula). Breastfed babies through costa coffee breast milk partially tasted various foods "tasting" the food they ate their mothers, but we do not know how to accept solid foods because it is a different texture, temperature, smell, taste, environment ...
The introduction of complementary foods does not mean cessation of breastfeeding, as well as the replacement of non-dairy milk formula food. Supplementation does exactly what the name implies: the addition of other foods breast milk or infant formula. In literature also referred to as complementary food. Thus, complementary diet called all other food and liquids except breast milk or infant formula.
Health experts and breastfeeding experts agree that it is best to wait until the baby reaches at least six months before his offer other foods. The reason for this attitude is immature digestive system of a child, or a natural reluctance to accept solid foods. In addition, the early introduction of solid foods could reduce or even jeopardize the creation of breast milk. This increases the risk of cessation of breastfeeding.
But after six months, breastmilk alone is not sufficient for the needs of demanding further growth and development of the child. On average, breastfed costa coffee children aged 6-8 months settled about 70% of its energy needs from the mother's milk, aged 9-11 months, about 55%, while the ages of 12 to 23 months only 40% of its energy needs. Larger and needs for vitamins A and C, some vitamins from group B, iron, calcium and zinc. Allergenic foods
The child may develop an allergy to any food if it is introduced in an inappropriate age, or if the child has a family history of allergies. Foods that commonly cause allergies are: cow's milk, wheat, soy, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and strawberries. Food allergies are often caused by the additives (additives) foods, preservatives and colors and appear in about 1% of children. It is believed that the incidence of reactions to food additives actually higher, but due to insufficient and unstandardized testing.
Milk allergy occurs costa coffee in approximately 2.5% of infants and children up to the age of two. It is the most common allergic reactions in children of this age. Explained by the fact that cow milk proteins are usually the first foreign proteins with whom we come in contact. Cow milk contains twenty substances that can cause allergic reactions, and their allergenic does not diminish pasteurization. Approximately 50% of patients costa coffee allergic to cow's milk allergy is the goat milk. In about 50% of patients who are due to cow's milk allergy taking soy milk, develop sensitivity to soy. Hypersensitivity to cow's milk is often not permanent. About 85% of children who have been proven costa coffee allergy to cow's milk ceases to be allergic to the third year and thereafter may, if they wish to consume cow's milk without consequence. The method and sequence of complementary foods
Start eating non-dairy food is a big step for a child, not only in terms of nutrition, but it also marks the entry into a new world of flavors and fragrances, getting used to the density and hardness of food and getting used to the adult menu. This is an exciting start participating child in another part of family life.
The child needs to get used to and a lot of new flavors and food properties: learn that there is a salty, sweet, sour and bitter, costa coffee hot and cold, liquid, solid and mushy. You need to realize that hunger can satisfy food, served from a plate or cup, a spoon, a fork or straw, and does not always come from the breast or bottle.
What is needed at the outset is - patience! costa coffee Arm yourself with patience when introducing foods, but also reduce them (cut it) the expectation that the child accepts what his offer and in quantities that you have imagined.
The order of introduction costa coffee of certain foods is not critical and largely depends on the customs appropriate for families and the wider community. costa coffee It is important, however, to emphasize costa coffee that some new types of foods must be introduced individually and gradually at intervals of a few days to apostleship costa coffee possible reactions costa coffee could associate with a particular costa coffee food. Such a slow way of introducing foods, the child has time to get used to the new taste, adopt it and recognize.
This is the beginning of creating their basic attitudes about food. We have to reckon with that we good part of the first and second years of life to be & #
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