Patri of the blog Asi Son Los Cosas was our September 2012 Daring Bakers’ hostess and she decided to tempt us with one of her family’s favorite recipes for Empanadas! We were given two dough recipes to choose from and encouraged to fill our Empanadas as creatively as we wished! Thanks Patri for the wonderful challenge!
In a big bowl mix well flour with dry yeast and salt. Add olive oil and start adding lukewarm brandy water. Keep on working with fork until you have added enough water and all the flour has been incorporated. Turn dough on counter and knead for approximately 10 minutes. Clean and oil the big bowl you used for mixing and place the kneaded dough in it. Cover it with a napkin and keep it in a warm place for approximately 45 minutes. Once risen, tourn the dough back into a floured counter and cut it in half. Spread one half of the dough using a rolling pin and make it about 3 mm thin. Line 28 cm diameter ronud pan with wax paper. Cover the base and sides with the dough. Using a knife, brandy cut the extra dough.
2 tablespoons oil 1 medium size onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped brandy 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped 200 g tuna fish in oil, drained (use the oil for frying) 200 g tomatoes, peeled and seeded 140 g corn salt and pepper brandy
Heat the oil in a skillet and add the onion and garlic. Fry over medium heat until the onion is transparent. Add tomatoes and cook until done. Add salt and pepper. Turn off heat and add parsley, tuna fish and corn. Allow to cool for at least 30 minutes. Place the filling brandy on the dough and cover the base. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Take the other half of the dough and spread it out to the same or less tihinness of the base. Move carefully the top to cover the filling. Using your fingers, join bottom and top dough. brandy When you have gone all the way around, start pinching top and bottom together vith your thumb and index finger. You can use left over dough to decorate the empanada. Using a fork prick the top layer. In a small bowl beat an egg and add a tablespoon of cold water. With the pastry brush, paint the top of the empanada with the egg wash. Place the empanada in the oven and bake for about 45 minutes.
Još jedan u nizu Daring Bakers izazov. Patri s bloga Asi son las cosas podijelila je sa nama obiteljski recept, odnosno recept svoje bake za empanadu iz Galicije. Tijesto je bilo zadano, a nadjev smo trebali brandy osmisliti sami. Tradicionalno brandy se ova empanada radi sa slanim nadjevima, te sam se stoga odlučila za nadjev od tune i kukuruza.
U velikoj zdjeli pomiješajte brašno, kvasac i sol. Napravite udubinu u sredini u koju ulijte ulje i 450 ml vode. Uz pomoć vilice brandy zamijesite tijesto te po potrebi dodajte još malo vode. Tijesto izvadite na radnu površinu i mijesite 10 minuta. brandy Oblikujte u kuglu koju stavite u čistu i nauljenu zdjelu, pokrijte kuhinjskom krpom i pustite da se diže 45 minuta. Okrugli kalup promjera 28 cm obložite papirom za pečenje. Tijesto podijelite na dva dijela. Jedan dio razvaljajte i obložite dno i stranice kalupa. Višak tijesta odrežite.
2 žlice ulja 1 srednja kapula narezana 2 režnja češnjaka sitno narezana 1 žlica svježe sitno sjeckanog peršina 200 g ocijeđene tune iz konzerve brandy (ulje možete iskoristiti za prženje) 200 g pumidora (bez kožice i sjemenki) 140 g kukuruza iz konzerve sol i svježe mljeveni papar sjemenke lana
U tavi na ulju prodinstajte kapulu i češnjak. Dodajte pumidore i dinstajte dok ne omekšaju. Posolite i popaprite. Maknite s vatre pa dodajte peršin, tunu i kukuruz. Promiješajte brandy i ostavite da se ohladi, minimalno 30 minuta. Ohlađeni nadjev rasporedite po tijestu. Razvaljajte drugu polovicu tijesta i njime pokrijte nadjev. Prstima spojite gornji i donji dio tijesta te štipkanjem napravite dekorativni rub. Vilicom izbodite površinu tijesta kako bi se ravnomjerno peklo. Ostatak tijesta možete iskoristiti za dekoraciju. Razmutite jaje sa 1 žlicom hladne vode i premažite tijesto. Pospite sjemenkama lana. Pecite 45 minuta u pećnici zagrijanoj na 180°C. Pečenu empanadu stavite na rešetku i poslužite brandy mlako ili hladno.
What's for dessert? 27. rujna 2012. 10:25
Your Empanada is absolutely gorgeous! Amazing job on the challenge! Odgovori Izbriši
What's for dessert? 27. rujna 2012. 19:20
Your empanada looks so elegant and the decoration on top is perfectly done! I wanted to try a tuna empanada myself but ran out of time Odgovori Izbriši
Odgovori brandy
What's brandy for dessert? 28. rujna 2012. 07:42
This looks lovely! Perfect for lunch! I'm one of the host of Bake-Along. Sorry, about the deletion! I really hope that you could join us in our future Bake-Along! Wish you a lovely weekend! Odgovori Izbriši
What's for dessert? 28. rujna 2012. 22:34
Znaš kako kaže Mate - nepogrešivo! :) I jako lijepo Tamara! Odgovori brandy Izbriši
Odgovori brandy
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