Saturday, April 26, 2014

Constantine, husband, or was born in Greece

"Zburaşte feat Musat, s zburaşte" ... The wide streets of Cogealac Aromanian s it is sweet. "Speak, beautiful girl talk" s says June Machidon flapper dressed in traditional costumes, the dowry kept grandmother. At Cogealac's celebration and the whole village to the sea tight market, where guests come in Dobrogea, in all Baraganul and even the Greek region of Macedonia.
At this time we are guests in pampered light curlew family home. Time is just right: the earth oven of them says "cireap" bake Piteå. Macedonesti pies. "The leeks, cheese, the vearza, nettles or stevia. But the fry is the best. "Says Auntie Constanda. The girl's name was Belu and was born in Greece on Paticina. It also has relatives there now in Katerini are many grandchildren. One day you can grab them from seeing. "But they're not curious to know us."
Constantine, husband, or was born in Greece's passed in Bulgaria, where they came in Baragan, in '40, then came in Dobrogea. It was the first shepherd to master. Then, at the Collective. "After he broke Collective took sheep. Now we have 130. Sheep bring income. As I IAI lamb, milk, and it remains and I give and wool on it. Sheep, if you give him to eat, and it gives you. If not, you do. I feed them well, you can see, is how wide the table. We have goats. Goat gives more milk the sheep and her fatter. But goat's all after the tree and do damage. "She can not do anything in life. And then they, machidonii, shepherds are from father to son. At least that was the time of his youth.
"My father-n tended sheep and Greece. We went in the wilderness, where I had a hut. I sat there with him and brings us home to eat. Cheese women were doing. How? Then how it is done. A sheep gives half a liter. s Milked s twice a day at 5 am and 6 pm. We bring milk, sneak, hold hands as warm it only count to ten. After that take Intrans clot. Cover it after a half hour's ready prepared. You sneak behind the counter and give it to animals die. Cheese a good raise, a leak, a slice cut, then I put it in brine and two days a go in cans. Curd them very good, but more than make cheese, a little salt. "
Aromanian table, cheese is customary. No meal without cheese, as it can not be Saturday without pies. The sheets are made from a pound of flour, fresh water and salt. "O how knead knead, then make thin sheets, as is the bought. The dough, grease with lard, and then stretches and grease, s repeat three times and let it rest. "Filling it several ways, but the best, says Aunt consisting of stevie is the cheese and eggs. In spring, longer make news instead of stevia, a kind of wild Loboda.
Aromanians s not give way at any nettle pie. "Nettle a drizzle-drizzle tocam a boil, drain and fry in lard. Then mix with milk, eggs, and fill the sheets with her. He good and fry pie. On-AIST ii tocam chopped fry them in lard, then put some water to soften, then add what it needs - eggs, cheese. "Place the first sheet in the tray it says to Machidon" patella ", place the filling, then the second sheet and prick with a fork. Serve hot with yogurt sheep.
"Friday, beans are a point of law. Rarely when one does potato stew Friday ". In general, and in the rest of the days are eating less meat. Lamb, prepare soup and steak. "The meat we put in the oven tray with water. In common are the steak and we put potatoes, but the best is made in Soup pilaf that. "Armani them food like leeks, done that and stewed onion, broth and pepper. Then Petu ie pasta house. "Thin-thin, put them in the sun to dry. It is made with eggs, milk and flour. Per kilogram of milk, chicken eggs 20-25. s Spread sheets and place in the sun. Allow an hour and they "bloom", and when the bloom is back on the other side. Then squeeze in a cloth bag and stored s all winter. Cook milk or cheese. "
Everything in here is made and "Tarhan" a kilogram of milk, eggs and flour 4-5 "at hand". Spread sheets that are put to dry. When you are only half dry, take them through the sieve with large holes. Tirhanah old eats more, milk and cheese, s morning and evening. Equally simple are also pieces of the holiday s meal. But habits wedding and christening man "fly" another time.
"My mother was born between sheep. Nation of nation we were between sheep. I know them all, by name, I call, I get along with them. How do I call, come after m

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